Our Story

Life Changing Testimony

Lolita Headshot

Honoring the Legacy of Lolita George, Co-Founder of New Heaven Dominion. Discover the inspiring story behind the inception of New Heaven Dominion, a testament to Lolita's passion, dedication, and unwavering commitment

God placed it on my heart to open a boys group home. So, my family and I began looking for a home to house 6 boys. We came across a home located at 3944 Rogero Road. In an attempt to enter the property, I was challenged by some obstruction.

My interest lessened with every push against the front door. After several hard shoves against the door, I was finally able to get in and view the home. On our way out of the house, something strange happened. I could not lock the door. I then called the Real Estate agent to inform him the door would not lock.

He told me that he was an hour away and the owners were out of town, but that he would come and lock up. As we were leaving another home, about 10 minutes later, the realtor called me back. He asked if I would go back to the house and lock the front door from the inside and leave out of the back door. I agreed to do so.

As I drove down the street back to the house on Rogero Road, a fish about 1 foot long and 6 inches wide fell from the sky. I swerved the car and asked my family, who were in the car with me, “Did you see that?” They replied, “No.” Then I showed them the fish and they were astonished. We all looked for a truck or car or anyone who may have been looking for a fish.

After about 5 minutes of looking at the fish, Matthew 4:19 rose up in my spirit, which says, “And He saith unto them, Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” I immediately called the agent and told him we wanted to purchase the house.

From that day forth, we vowed to become our own proverbial fishermen, teaching disenfranchised youths the life lessons necessary to grow and thrive in adulthood. New Heaven Dominion Inc., now located in Middleburg, FL, carries on with this mission every single day.

Fishing Rod, Spoon


Carf Goldseal

New Heaven Dominion is accredited for Group Home Care (Children and Adolescents) by CARF International.



Carf Goldseal

New Heaven Dominion is accredited for Group Home Care (Children and Adolescents) by CARF International.