2018 11 26
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Everything starts
by helping

Our team is here to help provide the material and educational “leg up” too many children are denied.

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Everything starts
by helping

Our team is here to help provide the material and educational “leg up” too many children are denied.

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Everything starts
by helping
Restoring Faith
Watch our reveal video and work together!
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Our team is here to help provide
the material and educational “leg up”
too many children are denied.

Our team is here to help provide
the material and educational “leg up”
too many children are denied.

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Everything starts
by helping

Call us to learn more about this new and exciting program today!

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Everything starts
by helping

Our team is here to help provide the material and educational “leg up” too many children are denied.

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Image is not available
Everything starts
by helping
Renewing Hope
Watch our reveal video and work together!
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Our team is here to help provide the material and educational “leg up” too many children are denied.

The God Loves Ordinary Women (GLOW)
program is an offshoot of NHD focused
on equipping young girls in the greater
Jacksonville area with the necessary tools to lead
liberating and success-driven lives.

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2018 11 26 (1)
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Everything starts
by helping

Our program provides residential care, education assistance, individual/group family counseling and aftercare.

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Image is not available
Everything starts
by helping

Our team is here to help provide the material and educational “leg up” too many children are denied.

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Image is not available
Everything starts
by helping

Our team is here to help provide the material and educational “leg up” too many children are denied.

Providing Family
Watch our reveal video and work together!
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Our program provides residential care,
education assistance, individual/group
family counseling and aftercare.

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Transforming Youth for The Kingdom

New Heaven Dominion is a non-profit organization that has been serving children in foster care since 2007. It is our mission to meet the spiritual, social, intellectual, emotional and physical needs of the children in our care and to assist our residents in building a foundation of principles that will be their lifelong guide for successful living. Our program provides residential care, education assistance, individual/group family counseling and aftercare to abused, neglected, and homeless children, ages 10-18.

We believe in second chances at New Heaven Dominion. We believe that your economic or sociocultural background should not hinder your opportunities to make something of yourself in this world. Our team is here to help provide the material and educational “leg up” too many children are denied.

Program Highlights

Our program offers an overall path to material success and spiritual enrichment for homeless and at-risk youth. This program includes such features as:

  • Education Services
  • Life Enrichment
  • Independent Living Skills Training
  • Pre-Employment Skills Training
  • Job Search Assistance and Placement
  • Budgeting Training
  • Grooming Training
  • GLOW Program
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Over 24 years of Experience:

Our staff includes two certified Life Coaches with over 24 years of combined experience as well as in-house case counselors, helping and rehabilitating some of society’s most vulnerable members. We believe that every child deserves the same opportunities afforded to America’s more privileged and financially stable classes, and that nobody’s past should necessarily determine their future. Our team exists to instill in every at-risk youth the self-esteem, financial management skills and living skills necessary to make a good life in this country.


A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth: and a word spoken in due season, how good is it!



Carf Goldseal

New Heaven Dominion is accredited for Group Home Care (Children and Adolescents) by CARF International.



Carf Goldseal

New Heaven Dominion is accredited for Group Home Care (Children and Adolescents) by CARF International.